So Much Technology
There is a lot of IT out there and you are no doubt getting bombarded on a daily basis with all sorts of content concerning AI, block chain, cloud, bots, mobile, social, machine learning, IoT and much more. While most of this is just noise, there is no doubt that if your business does not keep up with relevant technologies you will find it more and more difficult to complete. We have entered an era where one can no longer separate business from IT; where there is no such thing as 'business strategy' and 'IT strategy' - there is just 'strategy' empowered by technology.
So what is Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is business transformation. It is the process of replacing old technologies and/or manual processes with modern digital technologies that add value to your business. It is about understanding what your business needs and what your customers expect now and into the future, and matching these to the available technologies. It is not about implementing every available new technology because it is fashionable or because someone says it is a good idea. It is not about moving absolutely everything to the 'cloud' or making your entire business 'mobile'. Simply put, Digital Transformation is opportunity; opportunity to do things faster, cheaper, bigger, more efficiently, and with less risk. Opportunity to disrupt your industry. If it doesn't hold the potential to add value to your business, it shouldn't be implemented.
Generally speaking, digital transformation has the potential to assist your business to meet one or more of the following:
Automation by technology is not a new concept, but it is becoming more capable and accessible to all businesses. If your staff are engaged in mundane repetitive tasks or manual processes, there is a likely business case for an investment in IT. New technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning take automation to a new level and may present a real opportunity to be at the forefront of these advancements in your industry.
Agile, scalable, flexible - In order to complete into the future, businesses will have to be responsive, and as such so too will it's technologies. If your business is constrained by its existing technologies it is time for a change. Business can no longer afford to have the tail wagging the dog - technology must serve business and not the other way around. Modern technologies, if properly implemented should provide the responsiveness that your business needs.
Modern digital technologies adopt an open architecture that allows for ease of integration with other systems and databases (internal and external). If your business is running multiple systems or applications that exchange data manually, or common master data is maintained across systems, you have a real opportunity to save money, improve efficiency and significantly reduce risk by integrating.
Why 2H Consulting?
We believe that business should drive digital transformation and not IT. At North Coast Advisory we will understand your (business) strategy and your operating model first and foremost. Armed with this information we will leverage our knowledge of available technologies to identify and recommend solutions and strategies that will allow your business to begin it's transformation journey.
The beginning of this journey may include amendments to your business strategy and operating model, however it will generally follow a plan that will transform your business into a connected enterprise that is scalable and able to deliver products to your customers at market speed. Data collection and storage will be prioritised throughout the journey so that your data assets can deliver real value to your business into the future.
Our team consist of business people with IT experience. We are accountants, strategists and entrepreneurs who are passionate about helping businesses succeed.
Meet The Team

Brett Holding ACMA, CGMA
Chartered Global Management Accountant who is passionate about helping businesses succeed. With 17 years of multinational IT Project and Management Consulting experience across a number of different industries and business domains, Brett is well equipped to bridge the gap between business and IT